
3.1. Lubricant and service

Check of levels and change of oils and the greasing liquids


  1. Go into the car a front on a platform, kill the engine, cock the parking brake and block wedges forward wheels.
  2. Car back also establish to Poddomkratta it on the props got under assembly of the back bridge.

In order to avoid obtaining false results at measurement of levels of liquids try to give to the car absolutely horizontal position.

  1. Wire brush and rags clear surfaces around a drain stopper of the pallet of a case of the engine, and also around drain traffic jams of manual transmission, the transfer case, differentials of bridges, and also lubricant nipples of hinges of the steering drive and driveshafts.
  1. Establish drain capacity under the engine case pallet, turn out a stopper and completely merge motive oil.

It is better to merge motive oil at a normal working temperature. However it is necessary to be careful to avoid burns. Screw a stopper into place and strongly tighten it. Wipe a surface around a stopper.

Before a vvorachivaniye of a drain stopper of the pallet check a condition of its sealing laying, in case of need make replacement.

  1. If the oil filter is subject to replacement, remove it by means of a special key (see an accompanying illustration) and empty in drain capacity. Slightly oil pure sealing laying of the new filter, smooth out a landing surface on the block of the engine and screw the filter manually, following the enclosed instructions.

Before installation of the new filter make sure that sealing laying of old was not pasted to the surface of the block. If it occurred, remove old laying.

  1. Turn out jellied/control traffic jams from cases of RKPP, the transfer case and differentials. A finger or a curved piece of a wire check levels of oils in the listed units, - level has to reach the lower cut of a jellied opening. If level exceeds norm, check oil for existence of water traces in it, merge surplus, in case of need make replacement. If level is insufficient, add by means of a spray butterdish, using oil of the required grade.
    Having made sure of compliance of levels of oil in all units to standard requirements, screw into place jellied traffic jams and strongly tighten them. Wipe surfaces of cases around traffic jams.
  1. Turn out caps from hinges of drafts of the steering drive and screw lubricant nipples in openings.
  2. Fill hinges of steering drafts and driveshafts special lubricant for the chassis by means of the lubricant gun. Be not overzealous, - you watch that there was no replacement from the seats of covers and sealing laying.
  3. Turn out lubricant nipples and install on the places in hinges of steering drafts of a cap.
  1. Turn out a bolt from a flange of each of assemblies of rotary fists and probe openings a wire piece on existence in water fists (see an accompanying illustration).
  1. Turn out a stopper from the lower part of a dome of coupling (see an accompanying illustration) and check coupling for hit of water in it. Establish a stopper into place, having reliably tightened it.
  1. By means of a funnel fill in necessary amount of oil of the required grade in the engine. Start the engine and wait for switching off of a control lamp of pressure of oil, then again kill the engine and, several minutes later, check oil level on the measuring probe. In case of need add.

In order to avoid an initial modulation fill in at first oils on half of liter less norm (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management). Finally add after primary start of the engine.

  1. Carefully examine on existence of signs of leakages of a point of installation of an oil filter (if it was replaced) and a drain stopper of the pallet of a case.
  2. Lower the car on the earth and check units for existence of leak of the greasing liquid, having made trial runs.

Carry out greasing and check of all components according to the schedule of routine maintenance of the car.
The components of a motive compartment demanding service are presented on an accompanying illustration.