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6.3.1. Removal and installation

Models with the carburetor engine of 4.2 l


Components of system of release
1 — a reception pipe
2 — nuts
3 — laying
4 — a flange
5 — the thermofilter
6 — a collar
7 — bolts
8 — rubber pillows
9 — washers
10 — assembly of an exhaust pipe
11 — intermediate section with the muffler


  1. The car also establish to Poddomkratta it on props.

Before starting an otdavaniye of any fixture of system of production of the fulfilled gases impregnate it with the suitable getting structure or rust solvent.

  1. Give nuts and bolts of fastening of a flange of an exhaust pipe of system to intermediate section with the muffler. Give a nut of a support of an exhaust pipe, remove washers, rubber pillows and a bolt and take an exhaust pipe from under the car.
  2. Give nuts and bolts of fastening of intermediate section with the muffler to a reception pipe of system of production of the fulfilled gases.
  3. Give fixture of arms of a suspension of intermediate section with the muffler, remove washers rubber pillows and take assembly from under the car.

In case of problems with a detachment of sections of system from each other, they can be cut off by a hacksaw or truborezy with the subsequent replacement.

At an otdavaniye of the "stuck" fixture be careful not to damage floor panels, fuel and brake lines or an electrical wiring of the chassis.

  1. Give nuts of fastening of a reception pipe to a final collector.
  2. Give a nut of a back suspension of a reception pipe, remove a washer, rubber pillows, a bolt and take assembly from under the car.


Installation is made upside-down.


  1. Smooth out the interfaced surfaces of all flange connections, surely replace laying.
  2. At first install all sections of system on the car, without tightening finally their fixture.
  3. Check correctness of an arrangement of components, make sure that they do not adjoin to the bottom of the car and elements of the chassis and a suspension bracket. In case of need correct the provision of sections.
  4. Tighten fixture, since flange connection of a reception pipe with a final collector.
  5. Start the engine and check system of release for existence of signs of leak of the fulfilled gases.
  6. Remove the cause of the revealed leaks, then lower the car on the earth.

Models with the carburetor engine of 3.0 l

Procedures of removal and installation of components of system of production of the fulfilled gases are completely similar described for carburetor engines of 4.2 l.

1 — the thermofilter
2 — bolts
3 — nuts
4 — a collar
5 — laying
6 — a reception pipe
7 — rubber pillows
8 — washers
9 — assembly of an exhaust pipe
10 — an arm
11 — intermediate section with the muffler

Models with the engine of 4.2 l of EFI (since 1992 the issue)

The design of system of production of the fulfilled gases of models of 4.2 l of EFI generally differs from presented on illustrations, except for installation between a reception pipe and the muffler of the catalytic converter a little.

The catalytic converter is a component of system of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and represents the ceramic core placed in a metal casing covered with a layer of platinum, a palladium and rhodium. Passing through the converter, the hydrocarbonic connections which are contained in the fulfilled gases, nitrogen oxides (NOH) and monoxide of carbon (SO) will be transformed as a result of chemical reactions to carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water.

In normal conditions the catalytic converter does not need regular service or replacement. However, it can be put out of action or is irreversible is polluted as a result of influence of excessive temperatures of the fulfilled gases, hit of crude fuel or when using ethylated fuel (with the high content of lead). In order to avoid casual filling with ethylated fuel the gasoline tank of models of 4.2 l of EFI is equipped with a jellied mouth of smaller diameter which besides is equipped with the sprung door trap. The ceramic core can be also damaged as a result of blows and strong pushes. At an overheat or a zasvintsovyvaniye of the core there is a violation of its passability that leads to decrease in the section through passage in a final path, increase in resistance to production of gases and decrease, thereby, in overall performance of the engine.
In the engine of the car equipped with the catalytic converter it is necessary to fill in oil with the lowered content of phosphorus.

In order to avoid damage of the catalytic converter it is necessary to follow rules:

  1. Do not fuel the car ethylated;
  2. You do not start the car with a point and do not tow it;
  3. Try not to allow long operation of the engine on single turns;
  4. Do not use the car at emergence of admissions of ignition;
  5. Avoid full production of fuel.